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Item. 13
In keeping with the rest of the collection, Item. 13 is an archival label written by Dr Terri P. Sheach, as is evident by his signed initials in the top right corner. The pencil on this label ha nearly completely fade, but it is still possible to make out the description which reads "Sheet music, meant to accompany songs about our warrior princess". Reference to 'our warrior princess' occurs frequently around this time in relation to one specific political figure.
Item. 13: Text

Item. 13: Image
The Scottish National Party’s Mhairi Black became the youngest MP since 1667 when she was elected for Paisley and Renfrewshire south in 2015. Black was seen as a fiery underdog when she entered the House of Commons aged just 20 and garnered a large following, particularly amongst younger voters. Despite her popularity and cult outsider image, she was relentlessly trolled online about her appearance as well as her sexuality.
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Item. 13: Image

Item. 13: Image
It was at the 2034 General Election that Scotland’s final chance of independence came about. With a newly elected left-wing government at Westminster, the question of another referendum was raised. It was a landslide victory for the Scottish nationalists and marked the end of the period of hardship and turmoil experienced during the 20s and early 30s, which was dominated by alt-right extremism.
Not only was she known as the youngest MP to be elected to parliament since 1667, Mhairi Black added to her accomplishments by becoming the first Prime Minister of Scotland. She was seen as a unifying symbol of hope and a fierce intellectual warrior. It was around 2036 that parallels began to be drawn to Lady Christian Bruce (1273-1357) who was the older sister of Robert the Bruce and played an active role in the Wars of Independence, having lead the defence of Kildrummy castle in Aberdeenshire against English forces. Mhairi Black embraced the comparison but many did truly believe her to be the true reincarnation of Lady Christian - known as Christina.
Item. 13: Text
It was this perceived mythical link between these two powerful Scottish women that lead to the creation of our archival source, the sheet music that accompanies one of many popular folksongs which idolised our warrior Queens.
Item. 13: Text
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